Education, zero-rate VAT on basic necessities… Julien Odoul’s “8:30 a.m. franceinfo” from Wednesday June 26, 2024

Julien Odoul, spokesperson for the National Rally, outgoing deputy for Yonne, was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo”, Wednesday June 26, 2024.


Reading time: 47 min

Julien Odoul, spokesperson for the National Rally, outgoing deputy for Yonne, Wednesday June 26, 2024. (FRANCEINFO/RADIOFRANCE)

Julien Odoul, spokesperson for the National Rally, outgoing deputy for Yonne, was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo”, Wednesday June 26, 2024. RN program, VAT, pensions, school… He answered Jérôme’s questions Chapuis and Salhia Brakhlia. Education

“Zero rate VAT on basic necessities”

“We still want zero VAT on basic necessities”says Julien Odoul, spokesperson for the National Rally and outgoing deputy for Yonne (Bourgogne-Franche-Comté). “This measure will be debated next fall as part of the finance bill for 2025,” he indicates.

This zero-rate VAT would concern a basket of one hundred products “food or hygiene” as “bread, butter, pasta, shampoo and shower gel”, explains the RN spokesperson. Julien Odoul affirms that this measure is economically viable, because “the French state is an extremely rich state” and “huge savings” will be carried out in “other areas”without giving more details on the financing of this zero-rate VAT.

In the program of the National Rally for the legislative elections, the “suspension of VAT on around a hundred essential products” is only mentioned in the event of “high inflation”. This was one of the flagship campaign promises of Jordan Bardella during the last European elections and of Marine Le Pen during the 2022 presidential campaign.

At school: cell phones banned, uniform and formal address

“We want French students to be proud of their French history, their national identity, proud of their language, their culture,” says National Rally deputy Julien Odoul, candidate for re-election in the third constituency of Yonne. He denounces “programs rather favorable to communitarianism, to a form of wokism”. He regrets “ideological orientations” and calls for programs “fair, particularly on the historical aspect” so that students are “proud” from France.

Julien Odoul insists on the “principle of neutrality” teachers facing “bias” and others “ideological orientations”. Another priority area for the far-right party, that of “fundamental knowledge”. It’s necessary “put the emphasis on reading, writing, arithmetic, French history, of course, civic values ​​of course, secularism”, he assures. The leader of the RN for the legislative elections, Jordan Bardella, also proposed “a big bang of authority” at school “from the start of September”. He detailed several measures on Monday such as “teachers’ dedication” obligatory, the continuation of “experiments with wearing a uniform” or even the ban on telephones – already prohibited by law in primary and secondary schools – in high schools.

“No 49.3 if the RN is in power”

“We will respect the time of Parliament.” The outgoing MP for Yonne, Julien Odoul, assured that if he came to power, his party, the National Rally, “will not lead[it] not by 49.3, we will respect parliamentary representation”.

“Sensitive jobs” prohibited for dual nationals

Banning “sensitive jobs” for dual nationals is a measure “in the name of the higher interests of the nation and the security of our country”, says Julien Odoul, spokesperson for the National Rally and outgoing deputy for Yonne.

“Strategic jobs linked to defense, security and intelligence will be reserved for French citizens” and these positions cannot be “occupied by people who have another nationality” For “avoid potential risks”like in the United States, he adds.

Progression of retirement age

“We are not saving money on our fellow citizens’ pensions”reassures Julien Odoul, assuring that “There is money in our country”.

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