Education: the level of spelling of students continues to decline in schools


Video length: 2 min.

France 2

Article written by

France 2 – A.Peyrout, A.Guin, F.Blévis, E.Urtado

France Televisions

The Minister of National Education, Pap Ndiaye, has proposed deducting points from the baccalaureate in the event of numerous French mistakes. An idea far from unanimous, while the level of spelling continues to decline according to some studies.

It’s a bad memory from school, sometimes even a nightmare. On the afternoon of July 10, France 2 wanted to test your spelling knowledge with a surprise check. How is the sentence written: “The flowers I picked”? None of the interviewees found the correct spelling. The verb cueillir agrees with the flowers which precede the auxiliary. So it’s “ies” at the end. The more than average level in spelling is found from school, in CM2 dictations. In 1987, there were 10.7 faults on average, compared to 19.4 in 2022.

Social networks to talk to young people

These errors are found in the copies of the tray. So for the Ministry of National Education, there is a solution: penalize them in the final grade. This is not the right method for the teachers’ unions, for whom above all more hours of French are needed. Thus, teachers are taking to social networks to talk to the youngest. A school teacher, with two million subscribers, offers videos to avoid the most common mistakes. For her, there’s nothing like a classic dictation.

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