In this back-to-school period for Quebec students, it is now time to set the table so that “education” rhymes as much as ever with “environment”.
Posted at 10:00 a.m.
This fall, Quebec youth must seize the great opportunity to fight against the climate crisis that the whole world is unfortunately facing. Three concepts must be kept in mind to engage in this long-term battle: mobilization, citizen participation and education.
To kick off the fall season with a wave of rallies and environmental demands, CEGEPs and universities must join forces to allow students to go on strike for the climate on September 23. Remember the important student mobilization during the visit of the young environmental activist Greta Thunberg in 2019!
Three years later, the climatic consequences are even more visible and it is the duty of higher education establishments to support young people so that they can send a powerful message to the current government concerning its rickety actions in the fight against climate changes.
In terms of citizen participation, it is the responsibility of students to go to the polls on October 3 to elect a government that will finally be able to take matters into their own hands regarding the climate future of Quebec.
Young people are sometimes sidelined during election campaigns and the issues addressed are less tangible to them. We need to change this mentality.
Did you know that the Institut de la statistique du Québec followed a cohort of young people aged 21 in 2018 who could vote in the provincial elections of that same year? The main reason given by some of them to explain their absenteeism at the polling station was the lack of interest in the election and the fact that they had not really followed it.
Making a difference, starting with schools
Educational institutions must adopt concrete means to interest their students in political life and the various parties must make young people a priority by addressing the climate issue as often as possible in their campaigns.
It must also be recognized that the educational approach needs to be changed to initiate a real ecological transition, and this, in a radical way. Many students suffer from mental health issues as their schedules reflect today’s work environments, which are focused exclusively on productivity and performance.
The key to a real gain against climate change is becoming more and more known: degrowth.
Do you think that people who have more time for themselves and who consume less are more likely to be pillars in saving the planet?
Education on current climate issues is also a challenge since not all programs offer courses on the subject. A student in literature, education or medicine would undoubtedly benefit from having knowledge of contemporary climate issues.
Funds from student associations in the various programs could also be used to provide more environmental awareness.
The coming weeks will present several opportunities to give pride of place to the ecological transition in Quebec schools. It will be a major challenge, of course, but we must never forget that all the efforts of young people guarantee a future where eco-responsibility will be the watchword.