Education professionals accept agreements in principle

The Federation of Education Unions (FSE-CSQ) confirmed Thursday that the proposed sectoral regulation was accepted by a majority during the last general assembly held Wednesday evening, as did other unions representing education professionals.

The content of the results will be indicated following the meeting of the federal council which will be held next week, the FSE announced Thursday in a Facebook publication.

Members of the Federation of Education Professionals of Quebec (FPPE-CSQ), affiliated with the Centrale des syndicats du Québec (CSQ), also announced Thursday that they had voted in favor of the agreements in principle concluded with Quebec concerning the renewal of collective agreements.

“The agreements in principle will improve, in addition to salary, the working conditions of education personnel,” announced the FPPE-CSQ on Thursday in a press release.

Thus, the agreements will concern in particular vacations, insurance, overtime and even the organization of working hours, it was specified.

The final adoption of the agreements will be made on the condition that they are ratified by the general negotiating council of the CSQ.

The FPPE-CSQ continues to negotiate the collective agreements of its members of the Cree and Kativik school boards.

Proposed agreement for the FPSS-CSQ

The members of the Fédération du personnel de support scolaire (FPSS-CSQ) voted for their part in favor of the proposed agreement in principle established with the government.

These agreements also affect the sectoral working conditions of school support staff and the intersectoral issues of the Common Front.

The president of the FPSS-CSQ, Éric Pronovost, specified that “the members have read the content of the proposed combined agreement and that they judged, by the majority, that it was satisfactory. They considered that there were positive elements to improve their conditions of exercise, while adding that the problems in education will not be completely resolved, but that this is a regulation which will make it possible to bring about many solutions.”

The results of the votes were transmitted to the Centrale des syndicats du Québec (CSQ) which will present the data collected from the other federations at the next general negotiating council.

“I would like to emphasize my solidarity with the school support staff of the Cree and Kativik school boards, whose negotiations are continuing for the renewal of their collective agreements,” added Mr. Pronovost.

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