Education: Ontario children are more precious than Quebec children

This is objectively what we must conclude from the government’s obstinate refusal to set up a proper professional order for teachers.

Otherwise, what can justify the fact that we do not follow the Ontario example, to which we are used to comparing ourselves.

Unions are fighting tooth and nail against any idea of ​​having a body to regulate and oversee the teaching profession. They claim that it is already highly regulated and that they are there to play the monitoring role.


A syndicate cannot in any case replace a professional order. The missions are divergent and can even, in certain cases, be in contradiction. A professional order’s mission is to ensure the protection of the public (protection of children in this case), while that of a union is to defend its members.

A professional order has a panoply of monitoring and inspection mechanisms to ensure compliance with regulations and ethics as well as the evaluation and improvement of the skills required. I have never seen a union inspect and evaluate its members.

Would you let a doctor who is not a member of the College of Physicians diagnose you or perform surgery?

Would you let a nurse who is not a member of the Order of Nurses of Quebec take your blood?

Would you like an engineer who is not a member of the Order of Engineers to design the next bridge over the St. Lawrence River?

  • Listen to Nicolas Prévost, President of the Quebec Federation of Educational Institution Directors in an interview at the microphone of available as a podcast at :

Obviously not, so why are our children entrusted to professionals who are not supervised by any supervisory body, but who are very well defended by the unions?

To ask the question, is to answer it.

A professional order would not only ensure the competence of those to whom we entrust our children on a daily basis, but it would also allow the minister to free himself from the responsibility of having to intervene each time something involving a teacher happens. in a school.

For example, recently we learned that several teachers have been criminally charged with sex crimes. Some had even managed to find a job in a school following their incarceration. It would have been very difficult, if not impossible, if this teacher had had to show that he belonged to a professional order and that he held an up-to-date permit to practice.

Moreover, did you notice that it was Minister Drainville who was questioned on this subject rather than the union, which says it plays the monitoring role? Why was Minister Dubé not questioned when a family doctor was recently accused of the same behavior? The answer is simple: the professional order.

In addition, a professional order collects reports and conducts investigations conducted by its office of the syndic and may possibly file charges with a professional tribunal. Compare that to the voicemail set up by the government a few weeks ago and open during working hours to collect reports of wrongdoing of a sexual nature!

The stars are aligned, the population demands it, the balance of power with the unions is to the advantage of the government, the facts are stubborn, the arguments are concrete. Why does the government refuse to follow common sense? Is fear of unions more important than protecting our children?

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