Edouard Philippe will not go to the National Council for Refoundation

The National Refoundation Council is to be launched on September 8. It will bring together professionals and citizens to study various issues, including school and health.

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Edouard Philippe will not go to the National Council for Refoundation (CNR), franceinfo learned on Wednesday August 31, confirming information from RMC. Officially, the former Prime Minister and mayor Horizons of Le Havre wants to give way to another local elected official, the mayor of Albi, to represent him. Stéphanie Guiraud-Chaumeil is also the regional referent of the Horizons party for Occitanie. Unofficially, “Édouard Philippe absolutely does not believe in the CNR”recognizes one of his relatives with franceinfo.

After the refusal of the president Les Républicains du Sénat Gérard Larcher to also participate in the CNR, Édouard Philippe saw his intuition confirmed. The boycott of all opposition groups, from the Rassemblement national to La France insoumise, including Les Républicains, but also the Socialist Party, Europe-Écologie-Les Verts, and the French Communist Party, reinforced him in his decision to decline the invitation from Emmanuel Macron. For the form, the president of Horizons will be represented by the mayor of Albi Stéphanie Guiraud-Chaumeil, regional referent of the party in Occitania.

The entourage of the President of the Republic is therefore starting to get annoyed, “empty chair policy” and “a political coup behind the backs of the French” since one week before the launch of the CNR, on September 8 in Marcoussis (Essonne), half of the forty guests have still not confirmed their arrival. The Association of Mayors of France (AMF), the FSU Solidarity unions or the CGT in particular consider the outlines of the meeting still too vague.

According to information from franceinfo, the Elysée hopes to reassure its guests by sending them an educational note on Thursday. The great ally of 2017, François Bayrou, must also be entrusted with a pivotal role in the system, according to his entourage. His image of “great sage” could help calm things down, said one of his relatives.

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