The former Prime Minister visited the congress of the Association of Mayors of France while the absence of Emmanuel Macron was very noticeable in the aisles of the show.
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It’s not yet a real campaign, but Édouard Philippe continues to sow small stones. The former Prime Minister, potential candidate in 2027, spent part of the day of Tuesday November 21 at the traditional congress of the Association of Mayors of France (AMF), Porte de Versailles in Paris. After a few hugs, handshakes and selfies, at the edge of a stand, with a smile on our lips, we hand a basket of clementines to Édouard Philippe. The former Prime Minister plays the game, even if it means adding more: “They are very good, these clementines from Corsica!”
A leisurely stroll with a discreet countryside feel. There is, for example, a signing session, where mainly the faithful came with the book in hand, then a stop at the stand of the order of architects, where the mayor of Le Havre straddles the warhorse of his counterparts. “A little less rules and a little bit of collective intelligence. I am more of those who say, when it comes to standards: not enough is enough”says Édouard Philippe.
“The mayors know him”
Even if it means once again marking his difference with Emmanuel Macron, whom certain mayors accuse of having done nothing to simplify their lives. Is Édouard Philippe the mayoral candidate? It is in any case that of Frédéric Bordelet, mayor of Moulay, in Mayenne: “He has been in power, so the mayors know him. He also has a town hall that he has held for a very long time, and which he apparently holds well.”
Édouard Philippe haloed. At the same time, he is no longer in business, underlines Jean-Jacques Coulomb, mayor of Saint-Zacharie, in the Var. “It’s easier, and then he’s starting his electoral campaign so he’s not going to be the only one. I saw that there was François Hollande, maybe he’s going to be a candidate.”jokes the councilor.
Some are not fooled, while others confide that, of course, they appreciate Édouard Philippe, but the memory of the unpopular reduction in speed to 80 km/h on the roads is still far from being erased.