Édouard Philippe once again becomes a centerpiece in Emmanuel Macron’s device

Change in tone noticeable in the majority. This is not a flashback, but let’s say that the somewhat glacial period of October-November, when Édouard Philippe put his Horizons party into orbit, gave way, from the Congress of Republicans, to a form of pragmatism. “We will need Édouard Philippe to counter Valérie Pécresse“, have been telling me for a few days ministers, advisers, executives of the majority.”This choice of LR strengthens Édouard Philippe“, a counselor explained to me again yesterday. Why?”Because Emmanuel Macron will need even more the incarnation of the right, continues the same, to reassure voters tempted by the reformist and proactive discourse of Valérie Pécresse. “

Who better than Édouard Philippe to embody this response? In opinion polls, the former Prime Minister is not only the political figure of the French, he is also one of those preferred by Republicans sympathizers. In the team of Valérie Pécresse, we recognize him: “There is a real porosity between Édouard Philippe and her. “

First lap in the Sud-Ouest newspapers this morning. Interview granted to The Dispatch, to Free noon and to The Independent. Selected pieces : “Valérie is a very respectable opponent, he said. I know her well, we campaigned together for Alain Juppé in 2016.“It was during the previous right-wing primary.

The two have a similar background: enarques, roughly the same age, three years apart, born in politics with Jacques Chirac. In the same interview, Édouard Philippe continues with a claw: “Valérie left LR for substantive reasons, she came back for tactical reasons. “And to conclude:”She herself theorized the irreconcilable rights. Not sure that his designation is enough to reconcile them. “For the moment Édouard Philippe does not go there either with the big hooves. The response is quite restrained. This corresponds to his temperament, but there is a little strategy too.

This is his answer to the question about his role in the upcoming campaign. “When the president is a candidate, he will organize his teams as he wishes. I’m sure he knows my freedom and doesn’t doubt my loyalty. “His personal loyalty, not that of his party. Emmanuel Macron will support him, he repeats it, but he will not ask mayors labeled Horizons to do the same, because”the chosen ones are not trinkets that one puts on a shelf. “It’s called raising the stakes.

Édouard Philippe is available, provided he is treated well. He can raise the stakes because since the appointment of Valérie Pécresse by LR, there is excitement around Emmanuel Macron, given around 25% in the first round by various polls. “It is not high enough“, François Bayrou said in private.”When you enter 25% campaign, you can only go down“, also theorize those close to Édouard Philippe, when those of Valérie Pécresse explain that”the key to the ballot is to steal the liberal electorate of Emmanuel Macron“, to lower its base of the first round. To stem the flight of this electorate, that is the role that an Édouard Philippe can have. On condition of being well treated

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