Édouard Philippe is in “permanent campaign” for the presidential election of 2027, according to his entourage

Édouard Philippe is already actively preparing for the presidential election of 2027, reveals franceinfo, Wednesday June 15. And it is a close friend of the former Prime Minister of Emmanuel Macron who sets the tone. “The presidential election, you shouldn’t go there casually, you have to prepare for it”he confides.

>> Horizons, the party of Edouard Philippe who sees far … and annoys the macronie

Édouard Philippe even found a model: Jacques Chirac in 1976. At the time, the Prime Minister of Valéry Giscard d’Estaing had left Matignon to set out to conquer the town hall of Paris while giving himself the objective of making Gaullist party a war machine to win the Élysée.

The town hall ? Édouard Philippe already has it, Le Havre. Field ? He plows it with nearly 130 field trips since the start of the presidential campaign, “and it won’t stop” warns his entourage, “he is in permanent campaign, of course he sows for him.”

While waiting for the harvest, priority to the organization. First, thanks to the legislative elections and the agreement concluded between his Horizons party, the Republic in March and the Modem, Édouard Philippe guaranteed public funding for his training for five years.

Then, with a political office every 15 days. There is also a review launched last month, think tanks where politicians, senior civil servants and intellectuals prepare notes for him.

While his own horizon seems to be brightening more and more, a close friend of Emmanuel Macron is annoyed, “he will not cease to stand out, he puts on his anti-President costume”. Above all, Édouard Philippe as François Bayrou know, faced with the risk of having a narrow majority in the National Assembly, the two leaders now become essential allies for the Head of State.

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