“We must remain faithful to the promise made by the President of the Republic in 2017,” launched the former Prime Minister.
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The former Prime Minister recalls the fundamentals of Macronism. The executive and the majority must “resist the temptation of the easy way” and not increase taxes to deal with the degraded budgetary situation, Édouard Philippe warned on Friday April 5. The government is currently considering budgetary options, while growth is at half mast.
“We must remain faithful to the promise made by the President of the Republic in 2017, which we implemented and which remains an important promise, not to act on revenues”declared the former Prime Minister at the conclusion of a day of work for his party, Horizons, in Besançon “The truth is that increasing taxes, even on capital, even on the richest, ultimately impoverishes the country’s economy”he insisted, particularly applauded.