Édouard Philippe and Fabien Roussel face to face


Video duration:
2 min


Article written by

franceinfo – C. Motte, L. Seux, E. Sizarols, T. Le Hec, C. Ricco

France Televisions

For the last day of the Fête de l’Humanité, the festival brought together Édouard Philippe, former Prime Minister, and Fabien Roussel, national secretary of the PCF, for a debate on Sunday September 17.

One is on conquered ground, the other on hostile ground. The boos are reserved, Sunday September 17, for Édouard Philippe. When he set foot on the Festival of Humanity, he knew what awaited him. The former right-wing Prime Minister and the communist deputy speak informally to each other. They agreed on certain subjects, such as energy, industry and nuclear power. But when pension reform and the use of 49-3 are mentioned, divisions are felt.

Some people don’t appreciate Édouard Philippe’s tone

However, Fabien Roussel calms things down. “I would like to pay tribute to Édouard Philippewho comes to assume a 49-3 and a pension reform, knowing that he is largely in the minority”, notes the communist deputy. In the assembly, some do not appreciate the tone of Édouard Philippe. “I find it totally inappropriate for him to say that pension reform is legitimate here, when we have been fighting for weeks”, says a person. In total, there was an hour of debate between the two political figures.

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