EDITORIAL. Emmanuel Macron facing the specter of the “chiraquisation” of the Elysée

After the promulgation of the pension reform, Emmanuel Macron delivers a long-awaited speech this evening at 8 p.m…. The editorial by Renaud Dély.

The Head of State is under pressure from the unions and public opinion. So Emmanuel Macron wants to go fast. Quickly, to enact the reform, we saw it on Saturday, a few hours after the validation of the Constitutional Council. And quickly to try to turn the page of three months of crisis and start moving forward again.

>> True from false. Did Emmanuel Macron enact the law on pension reform “at 3:28 a.m.”, as relayed by part of the opposition?

Emmanuel Macron does not want to leave any hope of a break or a step back to his opponents. He will therefore repeat that the reform will come into force from September. But for the rest, the watchword at the Élysée is a “opening logic“. The Head of State will therefore reach out to the social partners to renew the dialogue on other issues…

“Accelerate the reforms”

But, for the time being, there is no question for the unions to respond to the invitation of the executive. And at the Élysée, we have no illusions. We know that it will take time, a period of decency. Allow at least the mobilization of May 1 that the unions hope will be historic, a sort of last stand! And then afterwards, on what subjects should the dialogue be reignited? A Labor law which would focus in particular on hardship, retraining, and the employment of seniors. A series of specific projects. Or on the contrary a great social conference, including in particular the question of purchasing power. Finally, there remains a double pitfall for Emmanuel Macron: at what pace and with whom?

Because the executive does not want to slow down. Elisabeth Borne even promised on Saturday to “speed up reforms“Because a specter hangs over the Elysée, the “chiraquisation”, the immobility of the end of the reign of Jacques Chirac. But the concern is that to reform, you first need a majority. expand it, the Prime Minister will have to continue to resort to the same sometimes chaotic method, that of seeking a majority piecemeal, text by text.

And then you also need a direction, a course. Emmanuel Macron therefore intends this evening to restore meaning, to explain where he “wants to take the country in the next few months“, they say at the Élysée. It is time. Next Monday, he will celebrate the first anniversary of his re-election. the remainder of the five-year term.

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