[Éditorial de Brian Myles] Donald Trump’s stubborn lie

The nine members of the Congressional committee responsible for shedding light on the January 6, 2021 uprising have sent a subpoena to Donald Trump. This last stand, which is unlikely to lead to the appearance of the former president and chief agitator, marks the end of the public hearings of this body with an uncertain impact.

The commission, chaired by Democrat Bennie Thompson, summarized its key findings on Thursday. Donald Trump is “THE central person” in the January 2021 uprising, Thompson said. The Republican’s efforts to subvert the outcome of the presidential election and illegally cling to power began long before his supporters stormed the seat of Congress to prevent certification of Joe Biden’s victory. . “His intention was clear: ignore the rule of law and stay in power,” confirmed Illinois Republican Representative Adam Kinzinger.

The committee’s work is based on the testimony of former aides to the president, about 1.5 million pages of documents and Secret Service communications that corroborate the story of a former White House aide. , Cassidy Hutchison. Donald Trump did ask the state agents responsible for his protection to drive him to the Capitol to join the unleashed pack, knowing full well that they were violent, armed and preying on the police. He flew into a holy rage when he was prevented from doing so.

The commission had previously claimed this summer that the assault on the Capitol was the culmination of an attempted coup. She reiterated Thursday that Donald Trump was the main instigator and that he had premeditated his package against democratic institutions.

And yet, the tone of the political debate will not change one iota. A majority of Republican voters, locked in the lie of the “stolen election”, drink the nonsense that Trump and his loyalists still disseminate in the public space like a venomous poison. In the primaries, the Republican Party has attracted candidates at all elective levels with extremist views, galvanized by the misconception that the electoral system is plagued by fraud and illegal voting for Democrats.

Trump’s “alternative” truth will continue to wreak havoc well beyond the primaries, so one has to wonder how much weight the commission’s final report will have in a misinformation-tainted Republican bubble.

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