EDF prepares for the start-up of the Flamanville EPR


Video length: 1 min

Nuclear: EDF prepares the start-up of the Flamanville EPR
Nuclear: EDF prepares the start-up of the Flamanville EPR
(France 2)

The start-up of the new Flamanville (Manche) reactor is imminent. It will be the most powerful in the French nuclear fleet.

After seventeen years of construction and a final blow multiplied by four, the EPR of Flamanville, in the Manche, will finally come into operation. This French nuclear power plant is of a new generation compared to the already existing reactors. But this technological advance has been particularly complex to manage. Its commissioning will therefore be gradual.

“First at low power, then we will continue to increase very gradually in stages”explains Grégory Heinfling, Flamanville’s operations manager. It’s been a month and a half since the nuclear safety authority authorized the commissioning of the plant, allowing EDF to load fuel into the reactor and carry out start-up tests.

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