Eddy Mitchell still affected by the death of Johnny: he shoots the tributes of Laeticia Hallyday

The death of Johnny Hallyday, in December 2017, left a void in the hearts of the French. A landmark event that his lifelong friend Eddy Mitchell returned to in Seven to Eight, this Sunday, November 21. Usually discreet about his private life, the 79-year-old artist has been a little more happy about his friend’s death.

Faced with journalist Audrey-Crespo Mara, Eddy Mitchell revealed some information about his last moments alongside the Taulier. He also confided to her that he had been in his company “two, three days before“his death. A final moment that the two friends shared in front of a film. Asked also about the posthumous albums and the various tributes to the famous rocker, largely initiated by his widow Laeticia Hallyday, the interpreter was somewhat annoyed by these projects.

Don’t give a damn **“, he quickly made known. And to continue, on the other potential projects honoring the legend of French rock:”It does not interest me absolutely (…) They do what they want. Soon they’ll put it with a feather in the c ** hanging anywhere … I don’t care.“Considerations judged”quite morbid“by the husband of Muriel Bailleul. Already last September, at the time of the great tribute concert to Johnny organized at the AccorHotels Arena, Eddy Mitchell did not mince his words about the sculpture inaugurated in front of the Parisian auditorium …

To honor the memory of his stage friend, Eddy Mitchell preferred a tribute in music, dedicating the title to him A little bit of love present on his new album Country Rock. “rock [Papadiamandis, son compositeur de longue date] had made this music which I found wonderful, simple, he recently explained in the Figaro. I had to find a touching text. So I thought of Johnny, who had just left. “

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