Eddy Mitchell destroys the show!

Saturday, November 5, TF1 will broadcast the fourth prime of the star Academy. Christophe Willem, Slimane, Élodie Frégé, Camille Lellouche, Pomme and the group Louise Attaque are the singers who will accompany the students for this new evening during which two candidates will definitely leave the adventure. The Carla/Paola and Léa/Tiana duos are submitted to the vote of the viewers.

Although he participated in the show during the sixth season, Eddy Mitchell should not repeat the experience! Passing through a new numberWe redo the TV broadcast on RTL, the star was very hard on the program. After indicating that he was not a fan of TV shows, he added “I experienced that with Jean Nohain, you know. So that’s fine, that’s enough. And it was much meaner, because when a singer didn’t please, there was a real hook that took him away. Hop, bye !”. The old scoundrel went on to say: “We’re in the circus. Clowns, sea lions, all that are missing. It’s true that they are a bit of clever dogs who sing and have a beautiful voice. But beautiful voices are not enough.”

As a reminder, in 2015, the rocker tackled another show in the columns of Tele-Star. “As for kids like The Voice, they are learned dogs”.

See also: “Very pissed off”, Eddy Mitchell gives a new interview about Johnny and reveals what the Taulier stole from his back!

Adam Javal-Fauconnier

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