Eddy (Married at first sight): His mother “very sick” and fragile, he confides

Eddie is one of the candidates for Married at first sight 2022 (M6). The Events Manager was 81% compatible with Jennifer (31-year-old hair salon manager). He appeared for the first time on April 25 and since then he has been receiving a few questions from his subscribers. He therefore organized a question and answer session on Instagram on April 26, 2022. The opportunity to confide in on a sensitive subject.

On April 25, viewers were able to see Jennifer announce to her parents that she was going to marry a stranger. A news that they did not welcome very well, even if they agreed to be present for her. On the other hand, Eddy’s announcement to his dad and his mom was not broadcast. A user therefore wanted to know why the production had not put the images on the air. “Very good first question, but I don’t know. My mother is very sick and I wanted to save her until the wedding day. I couldn’t imagine doing this experience without her and she completely validated doing it“, replied Eddy.

“I was afraid for my very fragile mother”

The candidate then explained that he did not fear the reaction of his relatives. “No. I was especially afraid for my very fragile mother“, he specified. Then, he returned to a sequence that caused a lot of talk on social networks. After the broadcast of his portrait in which he explained that his ex left him overnight after love at first sight, we were able to get Eddy to call a friend, he joked about sleeping the “chipo in the air“. A sequence that was partly cut and on which he explained himself following criticism. “Yes I sleep without clothes and then? I am the only one ? No. I talked to my friend because I wanted her to reassure me about this experience. And we joked yes, I sleep without clothes. But of course not, I hadn’t planned to do it for the wedding night. I am a modest boy“, he assured.

And before thinking about the wedding night, he and Jennifer would still have to get married. For the time being, the two candidates have not yet met in the episodes currently broadcast.

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