Eddy de Pretto threatened, insulted and harassed: 17 arrests throughout France!

There had been the complaint from journalist Nadia Daam, one of the first to publicize her case regarding online hatred, then the Mila affair had definitively put this thorny subject on the table at a time when social networks are become essential in everyday life. Like his colleague Hoshi, the singer Eddy of Pretto was the victim of insults and threats on the Web a few months ago. He filed a complaint and arrests have already taken place!

It’s the newspaper The Parisian which relates the information this Thursday, March 10, 2022. “Gendarmes from the Central Office for Combating Crimes Against Humanity, Genocide and War Crimes (OCLCH) – in conjunction with local police stations and gendarmeries – arrested, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, 17 people suspected of having insulted and threatened the singer. These online stalkers, all adults, were arrested all over France“, can we read. The latter are accused of having attacked Eddy de Pretto on social networks after the performance of the latter, on June 17, 2021, from the nave of the Saint-Eustache church in the 1st district of Paris.

At the time, the 28-year-old openly gay singer sat down at the piano to perform the title What’s the pointafter being invited by the festival who goes piano. A song in which Eddy de Pretto talks about homosexuality and religion, with all the difficulties that this poses. He then shares his video performance online…”In total, nearly 3,000 insulting messages and death threats targeted the artist in a few days“, do not fail to underline The Parisian. On his Instagram account, the former child star of a famous advertisement reacts: “I would sing my words in all the places that welcome me to do so. These homophobes, royalists, extreme right anarchists will never win. Love always wins.

Refusing to let the insults and threats pass, he then lodged a complaint and an investigation was opened by the National Pole for the Fight against Online Hate (PLNH) of the Paris prosecutor’s office. These multiple arrests will continue to show online stalkers that they are no longer safe from punishment!

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