Ed Sheeran thought about suicide after the death of his friend Jamal Edwards

Ed Sheeran has come a long way.

• Read also: “-”, a “window to the soul” by Ed Sheeran

Last year, the singer went through several hardships that made him want to end his life.

Around February 2022, the ‘Shape of You’ singer lost his best friend, Jamal Edwards, then his girlfriend, Cherry Seaborn, was diagnosed with a tumor while she was pregnant, and finally, he died. been sued for plagiarism.

A series of dramas that left him with “the feeling of no longer wanting to live”.

An “embarrassing feeling”, as he confided to “Rolling Stone”, the musician feeling “selfish” to think of him above all.

“You are drowning under these waves. You’re like inside and you can’t get out of it,” he added.

Cherry Seaborn was diagnosed at six months pregnant. She was able to be operated on for her tumor after giving birth to their second daughter, Jupiter, last May.

Ed Sheeran thought about suicide after the death of his friend Jamal Edwards

Ed Sheeran, for his part, won his lawsuit for plagiarism. The singer managed to get out of depression by starting therapy, on the advice of his companion.

“No one really talks about how they feel where I come from. People find it weird going to see a therapist in England… I find it really helps to be able to talk to someone, to let go of what’s on your mind and not feel guilty about it. TO DO. I have an ultra-privileged life, so my friends always say to themselves that it should not be so serious as that, ”he explained.

And to add: “Getting help is not a magic button on which we press and we are better right after. It’s something that will always be with you and that you have to learn to manage.

Ed Sheeran also turned to writing to evacuate his emotions, which he reveals in his new album which will be available on May 5.

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