Ecuador | President reshuffles government and cabinet

(Quito) Ecuadorian President Guillermo Lasso has reshuffled his government, following his defeat in the referendum and Sunday’s local elections in the country.

The government is “making the necessary changes not only to freshen the lines, but also to ratify its commitment to the will of the people,” Mr. Lasso said Thursday evening.

The Head of State has accepted the resignation of the Minister of Government Affairs (a key ministry within the institutions), Francisco Jimenez, who will be replaced by Henry Cucalon, a 49-year-old lawyer and former deputy of the Social Christian Party (PSC , center-right).

“We have listened to the message of the people which leads us to begin a new stage, a strong shift which goes in the direction of action and change, but without ever yielding to any desire for destabilization”, commented Mr. Cucalon, upon taking office.

The “security of citizens is a national cause”, while “organized crime and drug trafficking constitute the greatest threat to the lives of Ecuadorians and to the very existence of the state”, stressed Mr. Cucalon.

Wanted by Mr. Lasso, elected in 2021 but now very unpopular, last Sunday’s referendum included eight questions, including the request to authorize the extradition of Ecuadorian suspects, but also a reduction in the number of parliamentarians in the unicameral Congress. Voters responded negatively to all of the proposals.

The left-wing opposition, which supports former President Rafel Correa, also won several town halls in the municipal elections organized on the same day, including the capital Quito and the port of Guayaquil, the country’s second largest city and commercial heart.

President Lasso also appointed new provincial governors in Guayas, Cotopaxi, El Oro and Esmeraldas.

“The decision to renew my team is intended to […] continue to build a better country for all,” Mr. Lasso added.

Other changes were made in the secretariats of public administration and indigenous peoples and nationalities. The legal secretary to the presidency and a government adviser also left the cabinet.

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