Ecoterrorism, zero crime objective for Paris 2024, fight against crack… What to remember from the interview with Laurent Nuñez

Laurent Nuñez, Paris police chief, was the guest of “8:30 am franceinfo”, Monday, October 31, 2022. Ecoterrorism, zero crime objective for the Paris 2024 Olympics, fight against crack… He answered questions from Neila Latrous and Lorrain Senechal.

“Mega-basin” in Deux-Sèvres: Gérald Darmanin speaks of “ecoterrorism”

The Minister of the Interior was not mistaken about the demonstrators in Sainte-Soline, affirms Laurent Nuñez who is under his authority. “For some of them, we can call it ecoterrorism”assures the prefect of police of Paris. “The intelligence services are working on these individuals because they have a violent potential. A certain number of them are on file S, in the same way as Islamist terrorists, so that they can be tracked.” Ecoterrorism is “a term obviously used, employed”in the intelligence services.

Contrary to certain associations and elected politicians, ecoterrorism is therefore a term that does not shock Laurent Nuñez, since “Terrorism is not just attacks. It is all those illegal, reprehensible acts, prosecuted by the Penal Code, and which aims to create serious disturbances in order to sow intimidation or terror”.

Without wanting to give precise figures, the prefect of police of Paris indicates that there are in France “a few dozen individuals who are followed for violent radicalization, including in movements that defend causes that they say are environmentalists”.

Degradation of paintings: “A form of radicalization of expression”

The degradation of paintings that has occurred in recent weeks in the Netherlands, England, and the attempted degradation at the Musée d’Orsay in Paris Thursday, October 27 “is a form of radicalization of the expression”, judges the prefect of police of Paris. Laurent Nuñez would like to point out that “it’s obviously not the same thing as going to attack mobile gendarmes in Deux-Sèvres”.

In this regard, the services of the Paris police headquarters are “extremely vigilant”, “it is a form of action that we fear”confides Laurent Nuñez.

Zero crime plan at the 2024 Olympics: “One operation per day and per department”

“The Minister of the Interior has asked us, from now on, around these Olympic Games sites, to take very firm action against delinquency”. This instruction has a name, “zero crime plan”. In a year and a half, predicts Laurent Nuñez, “we are going to carry out one operation per day and per department: to fight against delinquency, the illegal occupation of public space, street sales, drug trafficking. So that we are on zero during the Games delinquency”.

The police prefecture, which will benefit from a reinforcement of the workforce in the next two years, confirms its prefect: “We are going to benefit from 1,000 additional jobs. At the request of the Minister [de l’Intérieur]I will assign them to operations against delinquency”.

To prevent malicious acts during the 2024 Olympic Games, the Paris police headquarters “will create perimeters of protection”whether during the opening ceremony on the banks of the Seine, “but also on all sites”promises Laurent Nuñez. “Those who refuse to be searched will not be able to access it.”

The prefect of police does the accounts: during the opening ceremony, “35,000 people will be mobilized”, not to mention the several thousand security guards also present. For other events, between “12,000 and 45,000 people will be mobilized”.

Delinquency in Paris: “48% of those questioned are foreigners”, according to Laurent Nuñez

Emmanuel Macron said Wednesday, October 26 in the program “L’Événement” of France 2, that half of the acts of delinquency in Paris are caused by foreigners. “These are the figures from the police headquarters, we have since the beginning of the year 48% of those in question who are foreigners”, confirms Laurent Nuñez. Even if, according to the cell “The true of the false” of franceinfo, the same person can be counted several times if he commits several acts of delinquency. “It’s a hypothesis”concedes the prefect of police of Paris.

When he took office in July 2022, Laurent Nuñez gave himself a year to eradicate the trafficking and consumption of crack in Paris. In the capital, the trafficking networks for this highly addictive drug are managed “mainly by people who are in an irregular situation, very mainly Senegalese, and some Gabonese and Guineans”affirms the prefect of police of Paris. “At the end of their sentence or after police custody when there is no prosecution, they are first returned to their country.”


Find the entire “8:30 am franceinfo” of Monday, October 31:

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