Ecosystem: flamingos have taken up residence in India



Article written by

A.Forget, A.Pandey, M.Boyer, L.Kisiela – France 2

France Televisions

Around Bombay, India, the waters are overrun with pink flamingos. This phenomenon is far from positive since it is pollution that attracts animals.

They are tens of thousands coming to the waters near downtown Bombay, India. Flamingos are more and more present as spring approaches. The spectacle is greatly appreciated by tourists who observe this special phenomenon. “We has that practically in our garden… So many flamingos, yeah, that’s ‘wow'”exclaims a expatriate Swiss living in Indian city. The animals stop here, as this place is on their migratory route.

For photographers, it is also a pleasure to see this spectacle. “Here, they have time to rest without being disturbed. You can see from their necks and their heads that they are agitated, that the mating ritual has begun”informs a photographer. If these animals come in increasing numbers to these waters close to Bombay, this would be in reality because of pollution and green algae more and more present because of discharges from factories.

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