Economy: the social security deficit is smaller than expected


France 2

Article written by

C.Tixier, E.Delagneau, N.Leydier, D.Aysun, N.Berthelot – France 2

France Televisions

On Tuesday July 12, the social security deficit was estimated at 16.8 billion euros. It is certainly a significant sum, but ultimately lower than initially planned.

16.8 billion euros: this is the estimated amount of the social security deficit. Although the sum is high, it is 3.6 billion less than expected. This good figure is mainly obtained thanks to the very important receipts of the social security. The entity received 15.6 billion euros more than what was initially assessed.

The Covid-related pandemic raises fears of a strong deficit in the sickness branch of social security.We can expect additional expenses if we ever have a new wave, an eighth wave, at the end of the year. We can have an increase in expenses if there is a need to increase salaries again if we ever have a crisis social“, to analyse Frédéric Bizard, health economist. It should be noted that certain branches, such as pensions, are in good economic health.

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