Economic update: IDQ presents plan to address labor scarcity

While Quebec is preparing to table a mini-budget focused on workforce issues in a week, the Institut du Quebec is presenting a plan to ease tensions in the labor market.

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The IDQ plan unveiled Thursday comes in 14 “priority” recommendations for the economic update of the government of François Legault.

The IDQ starts from the postulate that the reality of employment in Quebec is much more complex and requires a review of methods, or even a paradigm shift.

“You can’t tackle labor issues just by putting out fires. Rather, the government should now present a comprehensive plan to manage the problem in the longer term and in a transversal manner, ”Mia Homsy, President and CEO of the IDQ, indicated in a press release.

Faced with the complexity of the situation, it would be better to deploy a set of measures focused on the optimal use of skills, argues the organization, specifying that the solutions are based on education and training in companies.

“The upgrading of skills and the re-qualification of workers throughout their life must occupy a preponderant place in the economic policies of the government”, recommended Homsy.

In addition to the recommendation to focus on education and training, the IDQ proposes to plan an economic development based on talents. More prosaically, the IDQ recommends that the CAQ government develop “an integrated and coherent vision of workforce issues”.

“As long as this paradigm shift is not really assimilated by the government, the employers and the unions and, as the aid measures for companies and workers do not take it fully into account, the status quo will continue”, he added. added Mia Homsy.


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