economic sanctions against Russia, withdrawal of Total, gas prices … Bruno Le Maire’s 8:30 am franceinfo

Bruno Le Maire, Minister of the Economy, is the guest of “8:30 am franceinfo”, Tuesday March 1. In particular, he promised to “deliver a total economic and financial war on Russia” because of the war in Ukraine.

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The Minister of Economy was the guest on Tuesday March 1 of “8:30 am franceinfo”. Bruno Le Maire returned to the war in Ukraine and in particular to the sanctions taken against Russia while Vladimir Putin’s troops were gathering at the gates of Kiev.

War in Ukraine: “We will cause the collapse of the Russian economy”

Bruno Le Maire announces the strengthening of French financial sanctions against Russia. “We are going to cause the collapse of the Russian economy” through Western economic sanctions imposed in response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, says the Minister of Economy. “The economic and financial balance of power is totally in favor of the European Union which is in the process of discovering its economic power”, also estimated the minister.

Total and Engie in Russia: “A problem of principle”

Regarding the activities of TotalEnergies and Engie in Russia, the Minister of the Economy considers that“there is now a problem of principle in working with any political or economic personality close to Russian power”. Bruno Le Maire indicates that he was going “to discuss” with the leaders of the two French groups. “It is European freedom that is under attack, a sovereign nation that is under attack and threatened by Vladimir Putin”he justified in view of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Gas prices: “I would like the tariff shield to be extended”

“I would like the tariff shield to be extended”, declares the Minister of the Economy, concerning the rise in gas prices which is likely to increase further with the war in Ukraine. “I believe that our responsibility is to protect individuals, households, it is the absolute priority.adds Bruno Le Maire, referring to the extension “until the end of the year” 2022 of this blocking of tariffs put in place in October 2021 for individuals and whose end was initially scheduled for June 2022.

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