Economic “resilience plan”, Emmanuel Macron presents his presidential project… The informed of the morning of Thursday March 17, 2022

Every morning, those in the know debate subjects that are or will be the news of the day.

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With Lorrain Sénéchal and Renaud Dély, to discuss the news of March 17: Mathilde Siraudjournalist in the political service of the Point, Fanny Guinochetfranceinfo economics specialist, and Guillaume Daretjournalist in the political department of France Télévisions.

The themes :

– Consequences of the crisis in Ukraine: is the government’s plan adequate? The government presented its “resilience plan” on Wednesday March 16 to enable companies to cope with the consequences of the conflict in Ukraine, by reducing their energy bill in the short term, and also measures intended to make the French economy less dependent on Russia. Jean Castex insists: this is not a new “whatever the cost”. What does this more targeted aid consist of? Will the oil companies make a gesture as the government wishes? Should we expect everything from the state?

– Emmanuel Macron presents his project: a second five-year term, what for?
Emmanuel Macron will unveil around thirty measures of his program on Thursday, according to his entourage, during a major press conference at the Docks of Aubervilliers, which will mark his true entry into the campaign. A presidential candidate accused by his adversaries of fleeing the debate and refusing to campaign. What are the main axes in this project? Can Emmanuel Macron reinvent himself?

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