ecologist officials call on France to “lead by example” in the face of lobbies

In a column in the “Journal du Dimanche”, elected environmentalists, including Yannick Jadot, call on France to support an international treaty on the non-proliferation of fossil fuels.

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Environmental officials, including presidential candidate Yannick Jadot, demand that France set an example in the face of “lobbies riveted to their short-term interests”, reiterating their support for an international treaty on the non-proliferation of fossil fuels, in a forum in the Sunday Newspaper. While the COP26 opens Sunday, October 31 in Glasgow, the signatories, including the three unfortunate candidates for the environmental primary, Sandrine Rousseau, Delphine Batho and Eric Piolle, call for affirming at this large international gathering “a will, a new ambition”.

“We support the launch of an international treaty on the non-proliferation of fossil fuels, in line with the Beyond oil & gas initiative, launched by Denmark and Costa Rica”, they write, as Yannick Jadot had already defended Thursday at a press conference. Determined to carry this ambition “during the French presidency of the European Union”, they point out that “The challenge is to put an end to the financing, exploration and exploitation of new fossil capacities, to get out of a logic that worsens the problem”.

For them, “France could show the example. It is far from it”, they deplore by denouncing “the contempt of the government for any scenario of energy sobriety”. She could “show the example, by freeing themselves from conformism and complacency towards lobbies riveted to their short-term interests”, they continue, believing that “French genius would be that, much more than the brooding celebration of a fantasized past or outdated technological promises”.

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