Ecological roadmap, purchasing power and legislation … Barbara Pompili’s 8:30 franceinfo

Barbara Pompili, former Minister of Ecological Transition, legislative candidate in the Somme, was the guest of 8:30 a.m. franceinfo, this Friday, May 27, 2022. She answered questions from Neila Latrous and Lorrain Senechal.

Ecological planning “will concern the whole of government”

This Friday, the government gathered around Elisabeth Borne to determine a roadmap. For Barbara Pompili, herself a minister in the previous government, believes that this time “there will be a roadmap with quantified objectives, and indicators to see if things are progressing well”.

“It is an administration attached to the Prime Minister, created from scratch to steer ecological planning, and it is important that it be with Elisabeth Borne and not just the ministers in charge of ecology, because from this way it will concern the whole of the government”, she specified.

“The desire is to better target aid”

HAShen purchasing power is the number 1 subject of concern for the French, the bill to create new aid was postponed after the legislative elections. A logical decision for Barbara Pompili: “When we are in an emergency, we have to act quickly. We take measures as quickly as possible, such as lowering the price of gasoline by 18 cents. There, the desire is to better target aid so that it only affect those who need it the most, so it takes a bit more time to find the right architecture.”

“When you elect a President, you have to give him the means to implement his policy”

The legislative elections are approaching on 12th and 19th June next and the coalition of left-wing parties is well placed in the polls. The former minister of Jean Castex, however, remains confident about the possibility of Emmanuel Macron to obtain a majority in the National Assembly: “I think the French are consistent. When you elect a President, you have to give him the means to implement his policy. Now, an election is never decided.”

Find the full interview here:

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