Echo | The cube is ready

The show Echoformerly known as Under the same skywill finally be presented under the big top of the Cirque du Soleil in two weeks – three years after its planned date of creation. The Press was able to see three excerpts from this acrobatic piece directed by Mukhtar Omar Sharif Mukhtar.

Since Mukhtar took over the play (last November), the name of the show has changed — Echo — half of the acrobatic numbers have been revised, but the original concept, the narrative frame, the scenographic element — a huge moving cube — the music, the masks and the costumes have remained the same.

“The protagonist Future (Louana Seclet, Washington trapeze specialist) embodies today’s youth, aware of everything that is happening in the world, says Mukhtar, on the sidelines of the presentation of the three issues ofEcho. So the show is all about this idea of ​​connection, unity and working together to create a better world. »

The creative team worked on this paradox that despite our connection — unmatched in today’s world — we have never been so disconnected from our planet. The progressive estrangement of humans from nature and the animal world is thus at the heart of the concept ofEchowhich will bring together on stage 48 artists, including seven musicians.


Taras Hoi and Antino-Tisson Pansa do a soft yarn number in Echo.

A cellist begins to play through stage smoke. At the same time, the famous cube imagined by the scenographer Es Devlon moves quietly towards the front of the stage. Inside, two acrobats with animal masks (Taras Hoi and Antino-Tisson Pansa) perform a soft wire act above a base from which flames come out.

During their number, the cube turns slowly on itself. Luckily it doesn’t stop, because one of its tall columns would obstruct your view.

This first issue unveiled by the creators ofEcho “explores the notion of survival and the thin line that separates life from death”, explained the director by way of preamble.

“The cube is a huge object, he said afterwards, so it was definitely a challenge to integrate it into the staging so that it was at the heart of the show without being bulky. We play inside, outside, we use the cube as a projection surface, and for a structure of this volume, I find that it moves quite well. »


A contingent of Ethiopian acrobats performs a collective number of ground-to-air acrobatics, hand to hand, banquine, human towers, etc.

The second number shared by the Cirque features a contingent of ten Ethiopian acrobats, who perform hand-to-hand, banquine, human towers, pyramids and other ground-to-air acrobatics. All this to the tunes of festive music, with pastel-colored costumes. A segment that illustrates “crazy youth, excitement, risk-taking”.

The Cirque teaser ended with an aerial duet featuring two artists, Charlotte O’Sullivan and Penelope Scheidler, suspended by their hair. A number that evokes “magic” when we take the trouble to “dwell on nature and the animal world”.


An aerial hair suspension number that features Charlotte O’Sullivan and Penelope Scheidler.

After Es Devlon

A little over three years ago, Cirque du Soleil invited the media for a meeting with English scenographer and director Es Devlon, who laid the foundations for this acrobatic show centered on “the symbiotic relationship between humans and animals “.

Mukhtar Omar Sharif Mukhtar — who notably starred in the show for eight years LOVE, The Beatlesin Las Vegas and staged the show Messi10 — had been hired at the end of the course to support Devlon, whose work with the acrobats did not evolve to the satisfaction of the Cirque.


Director Mukhtar Omar Sharif Mukhtar

Then the pandemic hit. And everything stopped. When the creation of the show restarted, Mukhtar took over the reins alone, with the support of veteran creative director Chantal Tremblay.

Today, the English director, of Somali origin, who has lived in Montreal for six years, is eager to see the reaction of the spectators. “It’s a show we’ve been working on for so long, so it’s going to feel good to finally bring it to an audience. »

Echo is the Cirque’s first creation under a big top since Volta in 2017. A 2.0 version of the acrobatic piece Alegria had however been presented in April 2019.

Echo will be presented under the big top of the Old Port of Montreal from April 20 to August 20.

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