“Eating together”: at the table of Brigitte and Ricardo

This text is part of the special book Plaisirs

It did not take seven, but rather thirty years of reflection for Ricardo Larrivee and his wife, Brigitte Coutu, to officially produce a first four-handed book on the art of hospitality. In To eat together, they present to us, with a more intimate tone and graphic signature than in Ricardo’s previous works, formulas of reception that they have tested and constantly updated. They also present values ​​that are dear to them, in a post-pandemic period when rituals can be turned upside down.

The day of our meeting with Ricardo Larrivee and Brigitte Coutu, a festive air floats in the offices of Ricardo Média. Indeed, on the same evening, the team will receive for the first time since 2019 the partners who support its production and publishing activities. And of course, the Larrivee-Coutu duo saw to all the details, as they have always done when it comes to a reception.

“We weren’t even 20 when we were already receiving friends and family,” confirms Brigitte a little later in their joint office. We didn’t have a penny, but we were already going crockery shopping and wanted everything to be perfect. ” To which Ricardo adds: “Yes, we were exhausted even if we had fun. Then we realized that the people we received were more there for us than for the meal we were preparing. It changed our perspective. »

Ricardo and Brigitte know what they are talking about. They have organized hundreds of receptions since they have known each other, mainly in their home which they have furnished accordingly, inside and out. Family reunions, baptisms, birthdays, meals with friends, hosting business partners, party of employees… These celebrations, which Ricardo considers as excuses to eat together, constitute a tradition well anchored in the daily life of the couple. Not to say a ritual.

” Our book To eat together is a reflection of who we are, he says. It contains recipes, yes, but in fact, it is the least important part of the book. It is above all the expression of the act of love that we make when we receive someone. Whatever our age, the money we invest in it or the formula we choose, it’s the effort and the attention to detail that count. It is the meaning that this memory will then have for our guests and our children, who may in turn reproduce these same recipes one day, that is important. »

Receive: 10 winning formulas

As Brigitte Coutu pointed out from the outset, there is no perfect formula to follow to receive. “A simple little board is already receiving,” she insists. You don’t have to be 15 or make a big effort to do it. You just have to choose the type of meal according to the type of evening planned, then plan it accordingly. »

Brigitte and Ricardo have a well-oiled organization over time. They decide on the menu together in advance, share the purchases. Ricardo is then in the kitchen, while Brigitte takes care of all the details of the decor and the dressing. But they are no longer exhausted as in the past. “The seven-eight plate services have given way to dishes placed in the center of the table or in a buffet formula on counters”, admits Ricardo.

It is this principle of simplicity which moreover led their reflections to structure the book. To eat together, which aims to be practical, inspirational and accessible to all. As Brigitte explains, “by choosing a way to receive, we were able to slip a lot of content [planification, décoration, recettes, astuces] which related to it. Afterwards, it does not matter whether it is applied in a small apartment or a large house, with beautiful crockery or paper plates, the formula remains”.

The formulas in question, which range from the central dish to the appetizers, via the party of pizzas, stations for larger groups, or participation (not to be confused with a potluck ; this is more of a fondue or taco type meal), have all been tested and adopted by the couple. “We didn’t invent anything,” says Ricardo. We have listed what we do or what others have done, and which we have integrated. All this in order to simplify life, to remove a mental load from the people who receive and to ensure that the hosts and their guests have a good time. »

As we dive into the intimacy of this charming duo, we find of course over the pages recipes that each have a story: the strawberry that Ricardo has been preparing for more than 30 years, the cold salmon that is of all baptisms and weddings , monkey bread a must for brunches, etc. “But we are also adopting certain trends, such as that of “jarcuterie” [un mélange de charcuteries, de fromages et de légumes marinés dans des pots individuels]popularized on TikTok”, adds Brigitte.

Host at Thanksgiving

Among the Larrivee-Coutu, Thanksgiving is generally celebrated in a small group of close family and close friends. “Being from a French-speaking culinary culture, we don’t cook turkey or pumpkin pie,” says Ricardo. Instead, we prepare a central dish of white meat, or the duck breast whose recipe is in the book, which we slice and dress nicely, and accompany it with seasonal vegetables from our garden. »

In addition to this dish, the couple will prepare appetizers. “With Brigitte, there are always fresh flowers on the table and appetizers, even express ones, that welcome our guests,” says Ricardo, who admits for his part that he never misses the desserts. “It’s the last impression of a meal and it’s super important,” he says. So, as I find that there are never enough pies in life and the autumn season lends itself well to it, I think that I will prepare a pie with several varieties of “à la mode” apples, it that is, served warm and accompanied by a scoop of vanilla ice cream. »

Finally, like this Thanksgiving meal, To eat together is not the book of a chef, but rather that of a family which is addressed to other families. For the pleasure of receiving and, above all, of being together. A seemingly simple principle, but oh so comforting.

To eat together. Our best formulas for entertaining, Brigitte Coutu and Ricardo Larrivee, La Presse editions, Montreal, 2022, 232 pages

This special content was produced by Le Devoir’s special publications team, relating to marketing. The drafting of To have to did not take part.

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