But we will have to look for savings elsewhere and change our habits a little because it is true that on average organic is more expensive.
To start: the bulk
Already if you go to organic specialty storesprefer bulk (a subject I’ll talk to you about next week), you can find bulk pasta, rice, chocolate, cookies and even shower gel, you won’t pay for packaging or marketing since the notion brand name is clearly absent…note that organic bulk is generally cheaper in organic stores than in supermarkets, contrary to popular belief.
Well-placed short circuits
To buy organic cheaper there are producers on the markets, on the farm or online: the fewer intermediaries there are between the field and the plate, the fairer the price is for the producer and the consumer… . I recommend the map of producers who are part of the “Bienvenue à la ferme” network, and look for farms that sell directly and organically, there are 978 of them..The Meadow of Le Puy in the Puy-de-Dôme which even sells ratatouille or jams, it closes Bel-Air in Moselle and its pasta and other sunflower oils or thePeyron breeding in the Hérault and its vacuum-packed or frozen meats..
Save money by changing our eating habits
Yes… and it starts with wasting less… we all have room for improvement, we’re talking about 160 euros per year and per person thrown out the window.
And then the annoying subject: the place of meat on our plates… in France it’s still difficult to imagine a good meal without meat, yet eating less of it is good for the wallet, for your health and for the environment… Here too, we can give some air to our budget to favor good organic products.
New online grocery stores
As Kazidomi Where The fork who offer you cheaper organic products (20 to 50%) in exchange for a monthly subscription, this can also be a source of savings.