eat for free in the famous fast food, it’s possible!

You dreamed of it… Tasting hamburgers, McFlurry and other nuggets for life should soon be possible. In the United States, the famous fast food chain has taken the initiative to launch a contest on the occasion of the holiday season. According to information from CNN, Americans will have, from December 5 to 25, the opportunity to win an extraordinary competition when they place an order of more than one dollar on the application. They should thus be immediately registered for an exceptional draw to win a McGold card thanks to which the 3 big winners will be able to eat for free at McDonald’s for… 50 years.

It was the Twitter account @NewsTVReal who shared this information on social networks. ” The McDonald’s brand is launching a contest for users of the application in the United States. Three winners drawn at random in the country will receive a “gold card” which will give them access to free meals in the brand for… 50 years “, could we read on the publication. A post that elicited strong reactions.

A similar offer launched in 2018

As a reminder, this famous McGold card has not just been invented. In fact, it has been around for several years. Warren Buffett, Bill Gates and Rob Lowe are a few personalities to have the privilege of being able to eat at McDonald’s for free. Ditto, 4 years ago, the yellow M fast-food had launched a similar offer by offering participants the chance to win “ two meals a week offered for 50 years “. A contest that gets people talking on the Web… “ After that complains about obesity “, in particular wrote a skeptical Internet user in the face of this operation set up for the holidays. It remains to be seen who will be the 3 big winners.


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