Eastern REM | The opposition condemns the exit of Charles Emond towards Valérie Plante

(Quebec) The opposition in the National Assembly condemns the exit of the president of the Caisse de depot against the mayoress of Montreal, Valérie Plante.

Posted at 10:01 a.m.
Updated at 10:21 a.m.

Patrice Bergeron
The Canadian Press

Charles Emond had criticized her on Tuesday for having torpedoed the Eastern REM project when she was in favor before.

“I invite him to swallow his pride and stop pointing the finger at elected officials who are doing their job,” said Québec solidaire (QS) spokesperson Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois during a press briefing at the Assembly. national Wednesday morning.

The official opposition spokesman for Transport, André Fortin, said he understood Mr. Emond’s frustration, but he added that the time is not to blame the mayor.

“I find it very, very big to blame the entirety of the mayor of Montreal,” said PQ leader Paul St-Pierre Plamondon, criticizing the Caisse de depot for not having collaborated and to have worked on the sly on the REM de l’Est file.

Recall that on Monday, the Legault government withdrew from the hands of the Caisse de depot the file of REM de l’Est, this light commuter train project which was to cover the east of the island of Montreal.

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