Residents of Mercier–Hochelaga-Maisonneuve denounce the fact that a large portion of Morgan Park, located very close to where the REM de l’Est could be located, is not classified as heritage despite a recent government notice in the area . They fear that the situation “leaves the field completely open” to CDPQ Infra.
Posted at 5:00 a.m.
“We are really disappointed, but at the same time, we are not surprised,” said the spokesperson for the Regroupement des riparians de la rue Notre-Dame in Hochelaga-Maisonneuve, Patricia Clermont.

Patricia Clermont, spokesperson for the Regroupement des residents de la rue Notre-Dame in Hochelaga-Maisonneuve
His group of citizens denounces that a portion of Morgan Park, located south of the bike path and stuck to Notre-Dame Street, was ultimately not included in the new heritage site of the Old City of Maisonneuve, announced Saturday by the Minister of Culture, Nathalie Roy. The lot in question, which belongs to the Ministère des Transports du Québec (MTQ), is located in the sector where the Eastern Express Metropolitan Network (REM) must pass.
It was stated in the Notice of Intent filed in March 2021, that The Press was able to consult, but it was ultimately not classified as heritage and therefore does not benefit from any protection for the future, deplores the Regrouping. “Several people currently feel like they have been had. We all wanted this place to be classified as a heritage site. And then it suddenly isn’t anymore. We all wonder what happened “, slips on this subject Mme Clermont, demanding explanations.
series of worries
At Héritage Montréal, policy director Dinu Bumbaru confirms that this reduction in scope “does not reflect the historical reality of the park” as it was created in the last century. “Amputating the part of the park targeted by the REM project cannot be explained by the heritage plan. It recalls how previous governments have acted, that is to say by putting their political interests ahead of those of heritage, he says. Once again, we see that Quebec urgently needs a heritage protector. »
The mayor of Mercier–Hochelaga-Maisonneuve, Pierre Lessard-Blais, also says he is “extremely concerned” about the file. “We strongly assume that the withdrawal of this lot is related to the REM. I don’t see what else it could be, ”insists the elected official, who says he understands and supports the residents’ concerns.

Pierre Lessard-Blais
You have to understand that this whole sector is already very poor in green spaces. The southern extension of the park is also a noise barrier with rue Notre-Dame and all the noise pollution found there.
Pierre Lessard-Blais, Mayor of Mercier–Hochelaga-Maisonneuve
“Meanwhile, at the borough, we still have no plan from the Caisse concerning the impacts, the nuisances. We are still in the dark, ”supports the elected official.
“Protecting the quality of life of citizens is as important as protecting heritage,” he adds, calling on Quebec and the Caisse de dépôt to study “other avenues” than air travel, some of which of the route underground or south of Notre-Dame.
Structure as far away as possible
Joined by The Pressthe Minister for Transport and responsible for the Metropolis, Chantal Rouleau, says she is “well aware that this park is of particular importance for residents”.
Mme Rouleau promises that the REM structure will be placed so as to be “as far as possible” from the Morgan Park facilities.

Chantal Roll
We saw it with the images unveiled: the Fund is really concerned about integrating aerial structures. Our government, in partnership with the City, will be present financially, to have successful developments everywhere along the route.
Chantal Rouleau, Minister Delegate for Transport and responsible for the Metropolis
Behind the scenes, Quebec justifies its decision by the fact that in 2015, Morgan Park had been redeveloped and enlarged by the City of Montreal and that, since then, playgrounds have been added and have encroached on part of the lot belonging to the MTQ. It is these “encroachments” that cannot be part of the historic development of Morgan Park, says a government source.
In early March, the organization unveiled its “greatly improved” version of the Eastern REM. An image then released shows the concrete structure on the edge of Morgan Park, which the organization believes it can preserve despite everything. CDPQ Infra sees it as an “opportunity to improve the layout of the park by adding bleachers with a view of the park”. The idea of a screen, in order to reduce the noise coming from Notre-Dame, was also mentioned, as was a maximum span between the pillars, to “highlight the heritage axis of the site”, and the planting of ‘trees, “to filter the views to the structure”.