Video length: 2 min.
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Tens of thousands of the faithful made the trip to St. Peter’s Square in the Vatican on Sunday, April 9, for Easter and the traditional blessing of the Pope. A highlight for the sovereign pontiff, 86, who was hospitalized last week.
On the balcony of Saint Peter’s Basilica, the Pope appears standing. In front of him, 100,000 faithful gathered, Sunday April 9, under a spring sun for the traditional Easter mass. A communion that celebrates the resurrection of Christ, a moment eagerly awaited by believers. “It’s a lot of emotions, especially to be able to enjoy the Easter mass and to be there, in addition with the sun today, it’s magnificent”, rejoices a devotee.
A call for peace
The Pope spoke about tensions across the world and appealed for peace, with a particular message on the war in Ukraine. “Let us hasten to overcome conflicts and divisions and to open the heart to those who need it most. Help the beloved Ukrainian people on the path to peace and shed Easter light on the Russian people”said the Pope. Above the Vatican also hovers the question of the pope’s state of health, after three days of hospitalization last week.