easing of health restrictions from Wednesday 16 February



Article written by

S.Piard, France 3 Regions, S.Korwin – France 3

France Televisions

The epidemic situation continues to improve, but the government remains firm on the vaccination pass. Four to five million French people saw their pass deactivated on Tuesday February 15. On the other hand, there will be a relaxation of health restrictions from Wednesday February 16, with for example the reopening of nightclubs.

On Wednesday February 16, certain health restrictions will be relaxed. Standing consumption in bars will thus be possible again. Fanny Ala, Brewery Assistant O’Neil in Paris, well known to rugby fans, is delighted with this announcement because health restrictions have caused a big shortfall. A young man comes to reserve a room in the brasserie to celebrate this newfound freedom.

Another size change: eat in transport or cinemas will now be allowed. The popcorn war will be able to resume, much to the chagrin of a client who hates chewing noises. Finally, the French will once again be able to wiggle their hips in bars and nightclubs. Alfredo Gladoneowner of the bar “100% Latin” in Dijon (Golden Coast)is already training on the turntables.

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