Earthquake in Taiwan | The Canadian who was missing is safe and sound

(Taipei) Taiwan’s Central News Agency reported Friday that a Canadian missing after this week’s powerful earthquake on the island’s east coast had been found safe.

The news agency, partially funded by the government, cites information in Chinese from the Central Emergency Operations Center.

She says the Canadian is now camping near a hotel in Taroko National Park, Taiwan.

The press agency identified the Canadian as Nicolas Lapointe.

Global Affairs Canada did not immediately respond to requests for confirmation.

The 7.2 magnitude earthquake has so far left 10 people dead and more than 1,000 injured, while 636 people remain stranded due to rockslides and other earthquake-related events.

The Central News Agency, citing Taiwan’s Foreign Ministry, previously said three Canadians were rescued in the earthquake zone.

The epicenter of the earthquake was in Hualien County, 150 km south of the capital, Taipei. The earthquake toppled buildings, triggered landslides and grounded trains across the island.

Global Affairs Canada said 5,518 Canadian citizens are registered in Taiwan.

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