Earthquake in Morocco: influencer Fatine El Bou uses her platform to help disaster victims



Video duration:
4 mins


12/13 info receives, Thursday September 14, Fatine El Bou, a Franco-Moroccan influencer. Initially followed for her cooking recipes, for several days she has been putting forward calls for donations to help Moroccans, after the earthquake which struck the country.

Fatine El Bou is a Franco-Moroccan influencer who, thanks to Instagram, was able to enable a significant collection of donations in Val-de-Marne to help those affected after the earthquake in Morocco. “It was a call from Nadia with her husband. Without them, I would not have been able to do anything. They offered us a large deposit with a convoy who is going to Morocco. I made this simple call, relayed by others Instagrammers. Today, there are too many donations, even in Morocco. People don’t understand that we never collected food.”specifies the influencer, guest of 12/13 info, Thursday September 14.

“They have nothing”

“All we have collected are tents, new clothes, blankets, hoping that it will go to Morocco on Friday. Today, we are even calling on people to stop donations”she continues, adding that “LMorocco is known for its generosity, just like the Moroccan people.” Fatine El Bou explains that she could not stand “see” what is happening in Morocco and “feeling useless”and that she therefore decided to launch this appeal. “It has affected people who have nothing, and who have lost even more. It is not possible to remain idle”she concludes.

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