“Each time, we can see that he attacks someone weaker than him,” denounces the lawyer of a complainant

The Paris prosecutor’s office opened a preliminary investigation into sexual assault after filing a new complaint against the actor on January 9. The alleged sexual assault took place during filming in Doué-en-Anjou (Maine-et-Loire) in March 2014.



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Gérard Depardieu at the Montpellier radio festival, the Opera Berlioz in 2010. (NICOLAS GUYONNET / HANS LUCAS)

Each time, we can see that Mr. Depardieu attacks someone weaker than him, whether it is Charlotte Arnould through what she describes or the new complainant or the others“, lawyer Carine Durrieu-Diebolt said this Monday on franceinfo. Her client filed a complaint on Friday for sexual assault on a shoot in 2021 targeting actor Gérard Depardieu, already indicted for accusations of sexual violence.

According to Carine Durrieu-Diebolt, the facts date back to 2021 and are not prescribed. They would have performed in Paris during the filming of the film The green shutters, directed by Jean Becker. “There are more than twenty women who have described reprehensible actions. So it’s always against those weaker than him, the little hands of cinema and he never attacks alter-egos or well-known actresses.“, underlined the lawyer. “On the set, there were also Fanny Ardant and Anouk Grinberg and they obviously did not suffer sexual assault“, she added.

The woman denouncing these facts is 53 years old, she was a set designer on the filming of Green shutters. “It’s systematic“, continued his lawyer, describing the mechanism of control of the Cyrano de Bergerac actor. First of all, comments “shocking“, Who “have the effect of completely astounding her, of paralyzing her and then he immediately accompanies” his words “by gestures which are obscene and which touch the private parts of women“, she described.

An apology “while calling her a pain in the ass”

After words “gravelly” (“Come touch my big parasol, I’ll shove it in your pussy“), Gérard Depardieu would have “kneaded the waist, the stomach, going up to her breasts”.

“My client says she was pinned between Depardieu’s thighs. She describes phenomenal strength and that she was completely dominated physically and psychologically.”

Carine Durrieu-Diebolt, lawyer for a plaintiff

at franceinfo

The reported attack was reportedly interrupted by the actor’s bodyguards. “There were witnesses to the events and then there was support from the team“, assured Carine Durrieu-Diebolt. The decorator “been heard“, Then “Mr. Depardieu was asked to apologize to her, but he formulated it by calling her a pain in the ass at the same time“, she snapped.

Carine Durrieu-Diebolt also returned to the “click“from his client who pushed him to file a complaint on Friday.”The trigger came to him in October after the publication of his open letter in Le Figaro,” she said.Never, ever will I“I abused a woman”, Gérard Depardieu said in an open letter published in Le Figaro October 1st. “And then, secondly, Mr. Depardieu’s lawyers came on a television channel to say that nothing had happened on this shoot in September 2021she added. For my client, it was a trigger, it was like a denial of what she had experienced, she experienced it as a humiliation”she insisted.

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