E-health, digital at the service of our health

Even though the terme-health is not necessarily familiar to us, yet we use it more and more: remote medical consultations, apps mobile medical monitoring, especially for pregnancy, connected objects such as blood pressure monitor, remote monitoring. The place of e-health continues to grow in the daily lives of the French.

Thus more than half now use connected objects to monitor their state of health, a quarter have already practiced teleconsultation and 6 out of 10 French people intend to activate the Health Insurance service “My health space”. . Digital health brings true well-being to patients with chronic disease, whether they suffer from diabetes, sleep apnea or heart failure, thanks to home monitoring via connected objects, it can avoid a certain number of hospitalizations. E-health also allows patients to regain more autonomy, insofar as they have more information and a more active role vis-à-vis their disease.

However, a certain distrust accompanies this evolution, in particular on the effectiveness of teleconsultations and on the confidentiality of health data.

Geraldine Mayr receives the Dr Frederic Le Guillou, pulmonologist, president of the French Respiratory Health Association and administrator of the French Digital Health Society. He introduces the benefits of e-health developmentbut also its disadvantages compared to office medicine.

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