dynamite attacks on ATMs are on the rise



Article written by

L. Desbonnets, S. Milliard, M. Werth – France 2

France Televisions

In Germany, the banks are starting to lose patience. No fewer than 800 ATMs have been bombed in two years. The phenomenon is such that banks are considering closing their ATMs at night.

On average, more than one attack per day. About 800 distributors have been forced in the past two years in Germany, more and more often with explosives. The country seems unable to stem a phenomenon of unprecedented magnitude. The procedure is often the same: in the middle of the night, like in the city center of Schuttorf (Germany). Holger Zwafinga trader, has seen it all. “TO 00:15there was the explosion, and afterwards, ils wanted to try to get the money back. Then there was a second explosion, and the fire spread,” he said. The loot amounted to 80,000 euros. In 2021, just in the Frankfurt region (Germany)more than 2.5 million euros in cash were stolen.

According to the police, the robberies are the work of organized networks, which master the use of explosives, and often flee at more than 300 km / h in the direction of the Netherlands. Patrols of special police were set up at the border. “It’s dangerous because when they’re on the run, they don’t deal with traffic or the police. They are ready to do anything to get out of our control.”raises Dominik Stror. Among the solutions considered, close access to distributors between 11 p.m. and 6 a.m., when they are located inside buildings. The German Ministry of the Interior fears that these attacks end up causing victims, and asks the banks to invest more in the security of the distributors.

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