Dylan Robert: The actor sentenced to 30 months in prison for “robbery with violence”

It was thought that the legal troubles were behind him. dylan robertCésar for Most Promising Actor 2019 for his performance in the film Scheherazadehad even been authorized to go to Iceland to shoot in the film The Great Sailor, by Dinara Drukarov. Unfortunately, the 21-year-old relapsed into mischief. He was found guilty of two collar tearings by the Aix-en-Provence criminal court… and sentenced to 30 months in prison this Monday, January 31, 2022 for these “robbery“committed in March and May 2021 in the Bouches-du-Rhône.

I was terrified of not paying it

He nevertheless assured it before the criminal court: Dylan Robert would have stolen these jewels for be able to pay his deposit of 3000 euros, in order to remain free, although under judicial control. “I was really afraid of not paying it, afraid that the judge would tell me: you don’t pay, then you go back to prison, he explained, as reported by the newspaper The worldpresent on site. The ball in the stomach, I redid the bullshit, the only thing I know how to do.

Dylan Robert therefore loses his newly found freedom. He had been held in pre-trial detention for 13 months. for armed robbery that took place in 2017 and for other violent robberies who caught up with him in January 2020 after his budding success”. Of this passage, he kept only an abominable memory, saying to himself “half dead“at the time in the columns of Vanity Fair. The comedian was released in February 2021 after his lawyer pleaded to “real possibilities of reintegration“, in particular due to his very promising career in the cinema. But the young man returned to prison on January 5, 2022. He is not the only one to receive a sentence. His companion, Lunawho drove the vehicle allowing him to flee after his criminal acts, received a 12-month suspended sentence “for complicity in robbery with violence“.

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