Dwyane Wade, anxious for the safety of his trans daughter: “I’m always scared when she leaves the house”

He is a basketball legend and one of the most popular athletes in the United States. At 40, Dwyane Wade won everything during his NBA career, which he mainly spent with Miami. Three-time champion, he is one of the best players of the 21st century and if everything went perfectly in sport, it is also the case in his private life. The Chicago native is in a relationship and married to the sublime actress Gabrielle Union, with whom he had a daughter, Kaavia, born in November 2018. Before that, the great friend of Lebron James was married for the first time and of this love two children were born, of whom Zaya.

The 15-year-old is already a social media star and has over 545,000 Instagram followers. She came out as transgender in November 2020, and changed her first name to Zaya. A situation that seems to worry his father Dwyane Wade, faced with the rise in violence against the trans community and the anti-trans laws that are being put in place in sport in the United States. Present for the TIME 100 Summit this week in New York, he spoke of his fear of seeing something happen to his daughter. “Even though our daughter is very lucky to have parents who are there for her, I’m still scared when she leaves home”did he declare.

It’s not just because of gun violence, but also because of how people perceive it.

In a country with many gun control issues, Dwyane Wade doesn’t think that’s the main concern, but morea mentality problem. “It is not just because of the violence caused by the weapons (that he is afraid for his daughter), but also because of the way people perceive her in this world”he adds

While a big controversy touched a young trans swimmer in the USA recently, Dwyane Wade hopes that his little Zaya will not face such problems in her life.

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