Duties and responsibilities in times of pandemic

The present pandemic crisis reveals to us the social fractures that characterize our polarized collective universes and the violence that is spreading like poison in general indifference.

The essential notions of rights and freedoms monopolize the debates that are necessary to confront the pandemic while preserving the founding elements of the common good.

If we refer to the vital values ​​of solidarity, reciprocity and empathy, it becomes more and more evident that the rights and freedoms, whether individual or collective, are insufficient and harmful if they are not compensated by the substantial values ​​that accompany them. Our duties and responsibilities are indeed inseparable from our rights and freedoms, they determine their limits and establish their effects and consequences. Without these essential ingredients, we are lost.

Refusing vaccination and the protection it provides is not trivial in the current context, soliciting the manpower and resources of our exhausted health system reveals the extent of irresponsibility and a cruel absence of empathy and solidarity. The victims of load shedding and the nursing staff do not deserve this violence deployed in the name of so-called freedom, fear and misinformation.

As far as the social and human costs generated by the pandemic are concerned, society as a whole will have to bear them. The idea of ​​a special contribution then makes sense, like the taxes that accompany consumer products harmful to the health of users (alcohol and cigarettes), which are completely legitimate and socially accepted. An effective way to highlight the importance of our duties and responsibilities without which our society cannot recover or function.

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