By welcoming the listener with the piece entitled New Directions, one could fear a sound change for Duster. Fortunately, listening to Togethersurprise album released a few days ago, it is not so.
Posted at 12:30 p.m.
The – mythical – Californian group continues its haunting journey on the path of slowcore, demonstrating once again that it is the master of the genre.
Slowcore? Here we are listening to a style nestled and typical of the rock environment. Coming from the grunge movement of the 1990s, this musical movement is opposed to it, precisely. It throws in the trash the fast elements, the energetic changes of tempo, the riffs dissonant and strident chords that can be heard in particular in the discography of Nirvana, Soudgarden or even Pearl Jam.
Slowcore lives up to its name: the tempo is slow. Very slow. And repetitive. Both the drums and the guitar chords – melodic – offer aerial music, with no surprise additions – or very few. The singer’s voice is also treated like the other instruments heard and is therefore not pushed to the fore.
In short, slowcore is… boring! And Duster is the master of the genre. The presence of a fat, supple and harmonious bass line contributes to the esteemed success of the group from San Jose.
This binder, signature of the trio, is obviously used on this new essay, and glues the 13 pieces heard – and similar – on Together. If, at first listen, we are led to believe that this disc picks up where the homonymous album released in 2019 left off, a difference is still audible for the fan: the discreet presence of a synthesizer – noticed at the opening of the room Escalator – and a rhythm box – on sleepy head and Retrograde – fills a few holes in the sound wall. Two additions that would have deserved a greater presence.
On Togetherveterans Clay Parton, Canaan Dove Amber and Jason Albertini once again offer music lo fi without artifice and without exclamations, but certainly not without interest.

Rock Slowcore
Group Number