Dusan Tadic: The football star violently attacked during a burglary attempt

Professional footballers are privileged men and for the best of them the money is flowing, but this can sometimes attract the wrong people… For several years now, there have been more and more star robberies football, especially when they are playing, since the burglars know that they will not be at home. Several Parisian players, like Marquinhos, were victims of burglary while they were at the Parc des Princes for a championship match. The same thing happened on the side of Marseille and lately it is David Beckham who has been the target of criminals.

Ajax Amsterdam star, Dusan Tadic also experienced a similar situation, except that it could have ended much more tragically. The 33-year-old Serbian footballer has been the delight of the Dutch club for four years now, but on the night of July 28-29, things could have gone very wrong for the sportsman. According to information from the Dutch daily From Telegraafthe player was returning home and getting out of his car, he found himself face to face with two armed and helmeted men.

The footballer takes refuge in a restaurant!

Faced with a situation that could degenerate and two men in particular interested in his luxury watch, Dusan Tadic tried to flee from his attackers who eventually caught up with him. Then followed a violent fight between the footballer and the two thugs before the Serb managed to take refuge in a restaurant located nearby. On their side, understanding that they would not reach their end, the two armed men fled on a scooter. Result, torn clothes and a hand injury for the footballer who is doing quite well.

According to information from the Dutch media, the two men had premeditated their gesture, spotting the place a few days earlier. More fear than harm therefore for Dusan Tadic, who managed to get out of it safe and sound, but still got a good scare.

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