“During chemo, sprawled like a sperm whale …”: Cancer victim Clémentine Célarié confides

At 64, Clémentine Célarié comes out of the silence to talk about the cancer she suffered in the most total discretion. The star tells about his fight against the disease with sometimes raw details, in a book published by Albin Michel. Passing at the microphone of RTL this Thursday, November 4, 2021, the actress returned to the subject.

The actress, seen in recent years at the cinema in In a thousand pieces, Edmond or Boutchou, decided to finally come out of silence about her fight against cancer after having written her book during the entire period she was in the hands of doctors, especially for chemotherapy sessions. “When we are in that moment, which is in fact for me a moment of deep life, where we find ourselves alone, during chemotherapy, wallowing like a sort of sperm whale … I thought to myself: ‘Well, we have to make some medicine, and I said to myself, I’m going to do this book, because I needed to talk to someone’“, she explained.”I didn’t want to say it too early, I wanted to reveal it with a book so that it was quite an adventure and not just the sensational anecdote, I wanted to tell it“, she explained, adding that she also did not want to scare her theater partners with whom she took over the performances of the play. A life.

For months, she managed to hide her colon cancer from them “thanks” first to the demonstrations of the Yellow Vests behind which she was hiding by saying that she could not come to the theater and then with the rooms closed by the health crisis. And, when she had to go to a TV set, she would then go for a wig. What explains his new look last March, during a tribute show to Line Renaud? “It is not because you have cancer that you die (…) Sometimes people look at you as if you were dead, but you are not, it is because we are not not educated“she said, asking the audience”not to look at (her) with an air of pity“.

In her book, Clémentine Célarié is keen to play down and tell the behind the scenes of the fight against cancer so that people can learn about the operation, chemo, hair loss and even her return to the toilet! “The truth moves forward, I needed it, if we stay in hypocrisy we don’t risk anything but it does not help to healShe said. Raw, funny and heartfelt details like the popular actress she is, and the committed woman everyone loves.

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