During an eventful visit to Marseille, Eric Zemmour gives a middle finger to a passerby

The polemicist, who could announce his presidential candidacy in a few days, made a trip to the Marseille city for two days.

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Traveling to Marseille, Eric Zemmour gave a finger of the honor to a passer-by, Saturday, November 27. This woman had approached her car and had herself given him a middle finger, before the far-right polemicist did one in turn by throwing him “and very deep”. Beside him, his advisor Sarah Knafo laughed, reported an AFP photographer.

The scene took place at the exit of a restaurant near the town hall, after a visit to La Major cathedral. The polemicist, who could announce his presidential candidacy in a few days, made an eventful trip to the Marseille city.

He strolled for less than fifteen minutes on Friday, without meeting anyone, in the Panier district, under the cries of demonstrators who chanted “Zemmour break up, anti-racist Marseille”. “They are not Marseillais, they are militants”, replied Eric Zemmour. Friday morning, aboard the TGV to Marseille, Eric Zemmour got off the train in Aix-en-Provence instead of the Phocaean city, where protesters opposed to his arrival were waiting for him.

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