“Duo Périgord” literary meetings in Coulaures and Hautefort

France Bleu Périgord received today Elodie Rebeyrol and Evelyne Castelain in the 16-19 to present the programming of the Duo Périgord literary meetings.

An event that took place over a whole weekend, from Saturday 8 to Sunday 9 October.

Michel Testut, sponsor of the 2022 show

Novelist, poet, short story writer and president of the Academy of Letters and Arts of Périgord

On the Saturday program:

Opening of the meetings from 10 a.m. in Hautefort, before returning from 11 a.m. to the opening speech accompanied by its traditional reception.

Pierre Bonte will be the guest of honor for the day, and present in the morning to present and of course autograph his book “I salute you Marianne”.

On the Sunday program:

An opening and a reception also planned for Sunday between 10 a.m. and 11 a.m., this time with guest of the day, Philippe Mesuron, present to introduce the public to his brand new comic strip co-written with Thierry Beesau “Pipo and Mario à the discovery of the gastronomy of Périgord 3.

Also note the different workshops offered throughout the afternoon on both days:

  • Children’s workshops
  • Literary cafes
  • reading of excerpts from the book “The ideal red” by actors

The complete schedule can be found on the website of the Coulaures town hall

source site-36