Dunni | Your rapper neighbor who beat two cancers

The last few years have been trying for Ralph-Michel Maurice, alias Dunnï. Now recovered from two cancers in a short time, the Montrealer has just released his first album in French, @TonRappeurFavori. Encounter.

” I am a black rapper. I am not a gangster. I am absolutely not your stereotype. I’ve had cancer twice. I am a father. My goal is to humanize the regular black dude. When people see rappers, they don’t think of their neighbors to whom they say: “Hello! I am your neighbor!” »

Without asking him to give us a final word, this is how Dunnï concluded our most pleasant interview. For more than an hour, he spoke to us about his chemotherapy treatments, the loss of his father, his anxiety, but also his memories on stage with Muzion when he was 15, his young son who we hear on the first track of the record and the best Haitian restaurants in Montreal – Piklìz is his favorite.

You wouldn’t know that he is so affable when you listen to his music. “The fact that I’m so chill might make you think I’m harmless, but on record, I’m not to play with [sur mes albums, je ne m’en laisse pas imposer], says Dunnï. That said, I want to be more vulnerable on my next songs. My heart is heavy after what I experienced. But the slightly arrogant side of rap, I have to do it because I’ve been doing it for around twenty years and I’m more respected in Europe and the United States than in Quebec. »

If you put me in a studio, I win. Never mind [contre qui]in French or English.


50 Cent, Muzion et Far Cry

Un cousin, Swifty Swift, a permis au jeune Dunny Brazz (l’ancien nom de Dunnï) de faire ses premiers pas dans le monde du hip-hop. Swift se rendait souvent à New York pour élaborer ses mixtapes (compilations) au tournant des années 2000. Il en profitait pour distribuer des beats de son cousin adolescent. L’un d’eux a fait son chemin jusqu’au studio de 50 Cent, qui l’a refilé à son partenaire Tony Yayo.

En 2002, alors que Muzion venait de lancer l’album J’Rêvolutionne, Swift a débarqué à la maison de Dunnï avec deux des trois membres du groupe, J. Kyll et Imposs, pour enregistrer un couplet de ce dernier. « Il leur a dit : “Mon petit cousin rappe et fait des beats, il est super bon !” Imposs, c’était mon rappeur favori. Je suis super gêné, mais je lui fais entendre des trucs. Il m’annonce sur-le-champ qu’il m’invite dans leur crew. J’étais DJ ou hypeman pendant leur tournée. J’étais comme leur petit frère », se rappelle Dunnï.

Une dizaine d’années plus tard, il fait paraître OG’s Dream, son premier album, en anglais. Tandis qu’il semble sur une lancée, des enjeux avec des associés et la mort soudaine de son père ébranlent le rappeur qui décide de prendre une pause. Il revient en 2017 avec la chanson Russian Roulette, qu’on peut entendre dans le jeu vidéo Far Cry : New Dawn.

Un contrat… puis deux cancers

Avec le soutien de Koriass, Dunnï tente sa chance en français afin de se « rapprocher du public québécois ». Deux chansons sont suffisantes pour convaincre Carlos Munoz, de l’étiquette Joy Ride, de lui offrir un contrat en 2019. La pandémie ralentit le processus, mais le MC poursuit l’enregistrement de ce qui deviendra @TonRappeurFavori.

Son premier diagnostic de cancer lui est annoncé en octobre 2021, quelques semaines avant que Normal de l’Est, de Connaisseur Ticaso, auquel Dunnï collabore, remporte le Félix d’album rap de l’année.



Connaisseur [Ticaso] wrote to me to do shows… I didn’t tell anyone about it. I was just lying in bed watching everything happen. It was hard not being able to capitalize. My album was almost finished too.


In October 2022, the cancer he thought he had beaten returned. “It broke my heart […] During my chemo treatments, I listened to music and audio books. I prayed a lot,” says Dunnï.

October 2023, a few days before the planned release date of @TonRappeurFavori, he meets his doctor. “When I saw his smile, I knew it immediately. He told me: “We’ll see you in two, three months. Live your life !” I was like Hell fuckin’ yeah that I’m going to live my life. I have an album coming out next week. »

Its first offering in French now launched, Dunnï intends to continue telling its story, so that “ [son] message and that [sa] no one is understood.”





Joy Ride Records

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